This is a zone that our team has used to great effect.
It's kind of like a rotating 2-3-2 zone. We haven't seen many
experienced teams face it, so it's going to be very interesting
to try this at potlatch. This is a lazy (but smart) man's zone
where only one person runs their butt off chasing the disc.
Communication is very important just as in any zone.
The middle-middle helps to direct the rabbit.
The deep helps to direct the mids.
The same-side mids help to direct the same-side shorts.
Only the short left or short right will mark the disc. If the
disc is on the left-side then the short left will mark the
disc back towards the right. If the disc is on the right-side
of the field then the short right will mark the disc back towards
the left-side of the field.
The short that isn't marking the disc will drop off to the side.
This person should be back a bit but not quite lined up with
the mids. They are far enough back so that a dump and swing
is allowed, but not a straight swing. This position is somewhat
flexible and can be adjusted as we see what other teams try
doing to move the disc. It is important for this person to
get a quick mark (almost straight up) on the disc when it is
swung to break up any continuation plays.
The weak-side middle can drop a bit because the short on that
side should have dropped some. This allows the deep to cheat
a bit towards the strong-side of the field, as well.
Note: strong-side = same side of the field the disc is on. weak-side =
opposite side of the field that the disc is on.