In addition to the benefits of incorporating the Dump, the Break Trap play, the Fly play, and the Endzone play into the Stack Offense's basic strategies, there is a fundamental concept which could well make the Stack Offense much more effective. This will be discussed in general and in transition near the endzone.
The fundamental concept (which admittedly is counter intuitive) is: as the disc progresses up the field, each player who finds himself or herself behind the disc is now out of the remainder of the play. Other than filling the very important role of lining up behind the offensive player with the disc as a Dump, the players who have passed the disc forward do not move to return to the stack.
The impacts of this are:
Assume your team is on defense, and that a turnover occurs shortly after the pull is received (say, within 20-25 yards of the endzone). The typical reaction is: a) someone rushes to pick up the disc for a break-away opportunity while the rest of the 13 other players are streaming past, heading for the endzone; or b) everyone moves to stack up in the endzone, leaving the main Handler to walk up to the disc and initiate a stack-based play.
These scenarios often result in turnovers because of rushed throws, poor throwing angles, poaching, and/or too many people in a small space which leaves small places into which to cut. An alternative to these two scenarios is to have one receiver move to the endzone (or, at most, two receivers); this is the person usually furthest upfield. The next nearest player becomes the thrower, and the 3rd nearest player moves to become the Dump (see discussion of Dump techniques). All other players stand still, allowing the first two players to run the Endzone Play.
If this happens relatively quickly, the other players' defenders typically remain near their marks. This leaves the passing lanes open, and pits the lone receiver one-on-one versus his/her defender. The effect of this strategy should be to increase the chances of scoring.